
SYTYCD Recap: Top 6! It's almost over!

So it's the penultimate show and it's ALL UP TO AMERICA! I feel OK going into tonight because we can't really go wrong as they all deserve to make it, it one way or another. Well, OK, maybe some are a little more worthy. I'll get into that later. 

Side note: does anybody else feel like Christina Applegate tries a little too hard (and honey, you did not invent "hairography").

Can anybody explain to me what this thing is that the boys are doing??

  • Jive with All-Star Benji: For the first time, I get Tiffany. She gets all the props in the world for what she just did in those heels. Especially those cartwheels. Ridic. (Also, I couldn't help but think of Amanda Bynes- you know, What I Like About You, her show that used this song as its theme?- what the heck is going on with her?)
  • Solo: Lovely, just lovely.
  • Broadway with Cyrus: OK, I give up. Tiffany has won me over. She's still not someone who makes me want to get on the phone and vote her, nor is she someone I'll be excited to see as an All-Star in a future season, but if she makes it into the finale as I suspect she will, I won't mind.
  • Contemporary with All-Star Melanie: I love how Cole is always a strong, masculine dancer, even while delivering a graceful, emotive performance, and even while he is being lifted by a woman (albeit the amazing Melanie).
  • Solo: I wasn't ready for this to end, I wish he could have kept going! Bonus points for the little added detail of red contact lenses. I really can't decide who I like more between him and Chehon.
  • Contemporary with Eliana: Brilliant, captivating, and so emotional- which is even more impressive from two dancers who seem so goofy in real life.

  • Hip-hop with All-Star Twitch: Fun and entertaining, but it wasn't perfect. Parts of it were great, parts looked a little sloppy. I don't know how she
  • Solo: I maybe unfairly expected a little more from Eliana in her solo. I wonder if she was still feeling a little discouraged after the feedback from her hip-hop number?
  • Contemporary with Cole: Same goes for her as what I said for Cole. A+.

  • Solo: I wish he had done just a little bit more with the time allotted, but it seems like Chehon is finally dancing like he doesn't have a worry in the world. I think we can thank Mom for that. It's fun to see. 
  • Contemporary with All-Star Kathryn: Chills! If Chehon doesn't make it into next week's finale, it'll be a real shame.
  • Cha-cha with Witney: It wasn't exactly a disaster (what would Cyrus have done with that choreography?), but it's too bad that might be his last performance of the season.

  • Solo: We get it, she's a young and Mormon and doesn't dance like it. She is dynamite.
  • Lyrical jazz with All-Star Marko: Yes! Great to see Marko again (he and Melanie are probably still my all-time favorite pairing and still think it's weird to see them dance with other people). Witney's leap, on a scale from 1 to Neil-and-Melanie, was probably only about a 7, but she was still fantastic. I'm sure the judges are pleased to have kept her around.
  • Cha-cha with Chehon: In her element, she stole the show. Anything less would have been a disappointment.

  • Dubstep with All-Star Comfort: Cyrus' surprised face is almost as good as Taylor Swift's! It was great to reward him by letting him shine in his own style. It's really a shame for either Cole or Chehon, but I don't think even they can be mad about America's infatuation with Cyrus. On a side note, I think this is the prettiest I've ever seen Comfort?
  • Solo: Honestly. Who couldn't watch him do this all day? It still blows my mind.
  • Broadway with Tiffany: His weaknesses can't be hidden completely- numbers like this make it painfully clear how much more skilled Cole and Chehon are... but I'm beating a dead horse. I LIKE Cyrus and I'm glad he made it this far, but you can't tell me he deserves a place in the finale (or what seems to be an inevitable victory) over the other two guys.

Ranking the Top 6:
  1. Chehon & Cole
  2. Eliana
  3. Witney
  4. Tiffany
  5. Cyrus

Results and WHO WILL WIN:
I seem to be better at guessing SYTYCD results than American Idol. I am SUPER BUMMED Cole won't get a chance to be America's Favorite Dancer. There's really no question that Cyrus has it in the bag between the two guys (although I will keep my fingers crossed for Chehon!), but I really think it's a toss-up between the ladies. For the sake of venturing of guess, while I am rooting for Eliana, it seems that Tiffany has had the votes all season long.

See you next TUESDAY for the finale! Here's the real question... what shall I blog about next? Should I give The Voice another shot?