Brilliant, Anna. Brilliant.
So, that's my problem. I'll have to work on getting past that. In the meantime, here are my thoughts on this week's performances, in order of who I think did the
Hollie Cavanagh ("What a Feeling")
I'm glad that Hollie finally sang an upbeat song, but I wish it wasn't at the expense of quite that much of her pitch. I think the judges were a little harsh, but with THIS INCREDIBLE TOP 8, you really can't afford any slips.
Elise Testone ("I Want to Know What Love Is")
Elise took two huge steps forward last week but appears to have taken one step backward tonight. She's having a hard time building any kind of momentum. I don't have any better ideas off the top of my head, but I do think she could have picked a song better suited for her voice this week (and I don't think "Hallelujah" was it either).
DeAndre Brackensick ("I Like It")
This was probably DeAndre's best performance since we moved into the Top 13, but it's beginning to feel like we get the same thing from him every week. He seems like a very nice kid, but I just don't get that excited about him. Is it just me?
Phillip Phillips ("That's All")
Nice moment with his brother on stage. I think Phillip is settling nicely into the comfort zone Scotty McCreery sat in all last season. He just does his thing, and people vote for him. Must be nice.
Colton Dixon ("Time After Time")
If this song is available on iTunes, I might just purchase it right now.
Joshua Ledet ("If You Don't Know Me By Now")
Jessica Sanchez ("How Will I Know")
I'm giving these two the same critique: it's unfair how freaking easy singing is for them. And that's all I have to say about that.
Skylar Laine ("Wind Beneath My Wings")
SEE? Skylar. This is what happens when you pick a song that can handle your big voice. Beautiful. Powerful. Incredible!
I loved the duets. Jessica and Joshua sang the holy bejeebus out of their song, and Elise and Phillip complement each other so pleasingly. I'd purchase that duet off iTunes too.
- Jessica & Joshua "I Knew You Were Waiting For Me": A+
- Elise & Phillip - "Stop Draggin' My Heart Around": A
- Skylar & Colton - "Islands in the Stream": B+
- Hollie & DeAndre - "I'm So Excited": B
Unfortunately, Hollie. I imagine she'll be flanked by DeAndre and Elise in the Bottom 3.
Unfortunately, Hollie.